Upgrade Your WordPress sIte

WordPress is an open-source software, but that doesn’t mean your site should go without the upgrades you need to give your visitors an incredible online experience.

On-Site WordPress Video Tutorials

Easily make changes to your website with the help of built-in videos available right when you need them.

Weekly Website Activity Report

See which content is performing well, or if there was any downtime on your site, then you’ll know what your audience likes and what to improve.

Security & Real-Time Defense

Keep your online assets safe from website hijackers and ward off pesky robotic spam comments.

Search Engine Listings & Suggestions

Make your website search engine friendly so customers find you organically and follow on-site suggestions to attract the right traffic.

Site Speed & Performance Increase

Your provide a positive experience for your visitors with fast loading times on every page of your website.

Image Compression & Quick Load

Display breath taking high-resolution images to captivate your visitors without slowing down your site.

Automatic Updates to Core & Plugins

When everything’s up to date, you’ll never have to run updates or miss out a new feature again.

Unlimited Tickets Using the Care Portal

Speed up a fix when your something on your site isn’t working right, or request minor changes to any part of your site any time you want.

10 Days of Nightly Off-Site Backups

Put your back up plan in place so you can recover a post, page, or even your entire website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need an existing WordPress website to take advantage of WordPress Upgrades?

Yes. These upgrades are for an existing WordPress website hosted elsewhere.

If you need help with hosting and want to unlock additional benefits, including cloud storage and company email, stay tuned for the Fully Managed Plans coming soon.

If you’re starting from scratch and interested in creating an online presence for your business, stay tuned for the Launch Your Site Package coming soon.

Will you need access to my website?
Yes. Once you’re registered, you’ll have the opportunity to provide a WordPress login URL, username, and password with Administrator privileges so I can implement all services associated with your chosen plan.
What sort of tickets can I put in using the Care Portal?
Put in a ticket if your form isn’t working, if you’re getting an error, if your page isn’t loading correctly, if you want the font changed on a page, if you want the text bigger or smaller. You can put in a ticket for pretty much anything you can think of, and if your project has a larger scope than you expected, you’ll get recommendations on how to best accomplish the desired outcomes for your website and business.

Ask a Question.

Do you still have questions about WordPress Uprades for your website?

Is there some other way I can help you with your existing website or an idea for a new website?

Let me know!